Digioh BigCommerce integration Digioh’s BigCommerce integration helps sites capture emails and recover abandoned carts. Drag and drop to create personalized forms, quizzes/surveys, and...
Digioh Conditions Overview Targeting conditions allow you to display a box to users based on device, referral source, geolocation, login status and more!...
How to Integrate with Customer.io You can use Digioh to create web forms, pop-ups, and landing pages that integrate with Customer.io‘s robust platform. Digioh’s Customer.io...
How to integrate with SharpSpring SharpSpring is a robust sales and marketing platform. You can use Digioh to build pop-ups, web forms, and landing pages...
Digioh REST API What You’ll Learn in This Article How to create a custom API Form Post integration in Digioh. Mapping and controlling...
Digioh JavaScript API Digioh JavaScript API Send data to your system via JavaScript running on the client-side: 1. In your Digioh account, go...
How to Integrate Digioh with Rejoiner What you’ll learn Integrate Digioh with Rejoiner: Discover two methods for linking Digioh’s forms and pop-ups with Rejoiner,...
How to integrate Digioh with iPost iPost is a dynamic email marketing platform. Use Digioh to build iPost-integrated pop-ups, web forms, landing pages, and email preference...
How do I rollback our published JavaScript If you publish a breaking change (this includes Custom JS changes, design updates, rule changes, etc.) and want to roll...
How to Trigger a Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Digioh’s integration with Salesforce Marketing Cloud also allows you to trigger SFMC Journeys. We are happy to walk you through...
How To Set Up A Real Time Notification Integration If you want to send notifications to a member of your team each time a specific widget is submitted, you...
How to integrate with Leanplum Leanplum is a powerful multi-channel engagement platform. Digioh’s Leanplum integration allows you to create web forms and landing pages that...
How to integrate Digioh with MoonMail MoonMail is a powerful all in one Messaging Platform for Email, SMS, and Voice to help boost conversions. You can...
How To Add Email Syntax Validation To A Custom Field Email syntax validation requires the user to enter a correctly-formatted email address for their submission to go through. The address...
How To Add Phone Number Validation To The Phone Field Or A Custom Field Phone number validation requires users to enter a properly-formatted phone number to submit a form. You can enable phone number...