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  4. How to integrate with Leanplum

How to integrate with Leanplum

Leanplum is a powerful multi-channel engagement platform. Digioh’s Leanplum integration allows you to create web forms and landing pages that capture Leads, pass Events, and update Users in your Leanplum account in real-time.

If you are setting up a Digioh integration by yourself, we first recommend reading about Digioh Integration Basics.

Follow these steps to set up your Leanplum API integration in Digioh.

Step 1: Add Your Leanplum Integration

In your Digioh account, click “Integrations” and select “Leanplum” from the dropdown.

Then, enter your App ID, Client Key and Event Name.

add leanplum integration to digioh

Step 2: Associate the Integration with a Digioh Box

Open the Digioh Box you wish to integrate in the Editor. Click Integrations, and choose the selected integration from the dropdown menu.

integrate your box

After adding the integration to your box, click Save and Preview.

Submit a test lead, and make sure that the event shows up in your Leanplum account to verify the integration works.

Step 3: Create a New Leanplum “Update User” Integration

Follow the same steps as Step 1 above, but for the “Form Post URL” enter the following value:

Then, enter your Advanced integration settings for the “Update User” integration. This is also similar to Step 1, but you will notice that the Raw Data format is slightly different:

create update user integration

Step 4: Associate the Update User Integration with a Digioh Box

Follow the same steps as Step 2 above. You can choose to associate this Integration with the same Box as step 2, or you can assign it to a different Box. That depends on the data flow that you would like to have happen between Digioh and your Leanplum account.

If you have any questions about integrating Digioh with Leanplum, send us an email, and we’ll be glad to help!

Related Reading:

Updated on February 13, 2025
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