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  3. Popups & Other Forms
  4. What Types of Boxes Does Digioh Offer?

What Types of Boxes Does Digioh Offer?

What You’ll Learn in This Article:

  • The various types of boxes Digioh offers to enhance your website’s engagement.
  • The unique features and benefits of each box type.
  • How to choose the right widget to meet your specific goals.

Digioh offers several different types of boxes for your site, each with different benefits.

Pop Up

A pop up displays your CTA or form in a box on your site. It can be positioned anywhere on the page. You can show pop ups on a colored background, an opaque background, over an image, or over no background at all. Because they pop up over your content, they are an effective way to make sure visitors see your message, newsletter signup form, or other promotions.

A sidebar will appear in a fixed position on the edge of your site. It can be placed anywhere you like along the edges of your page. You can adjust how it animates and when it will appear, making them a great way to capture visitor attention.

You can configure a sidebar in a way it serves as a teaser: When a visitor clicks on it, a full pop up box appears. You can also make it sticky to follow the visitor as they scroll, so they’ll always have access.

A banner is a bar that displays at the top or bottom of the browser window. You can set banners to “stick” to the page and follow the visitor as they scroll.


An inline box can be embedded directly into your page content. It’s great for putting targeted, dynamic offers in the direct path of the visitor as they browse your site. Inlines can be set to always appear, or it can be set to appear based on the rules you set for it.

Updated on February 14, 2025
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