Error Bubbles: Position, Word Wrap, and Resizing

Digioh App Marketplace

By default, Digioh error bubbles (e.g. on form submission with missing required fields) are fixed position, relatively small, and do not wrap text.

If your error messages are displaying off screen, or are long and text is being clipped by the error bubble edge, we have an app that will fix it!

Head over to your profile menu, top right, and select Custom JS (Apps). Install App #62: Improved Error Bubbles, then Publish your account.

Now, all of your boxes will automatically display relative to the web page (vs box) and have word wrap enabled for errors.

In addition, you can set the height and position of the error bubble in pixels for a specific box using Box-level metadata (under the Widget accordion). How do I configure Metadata?

The  metadata command is “error_height_px”.

If you want to adjust the top postion of the error bubble!

The Box-level metadata command is “error_top_pos_px”

Or If you want to adjust the left  postion of the error bubble!

The Box-level metadata command is “error_left_pos_px”











As configured above, the app turns this:

Into this:

Running into an issue or have a question? Reach out to our support team via and we’ll be happy to help!