How to add new pages on Shopify

How to Create a Page on Your Shopify Online Store

Step 1: Access Your Shopify Admin Dashboard

  • Log in to your Shopify account.
  • Go to your admin dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to the Pages Section

  • On the left-hand side of the dashboard, find and click on ‘Online Store’.
  • A dropdown menu will appear. Click on ‘Pages’.

Step 3: Create a New Page

  • Click on the ‘Add page’ button, usually located at the top-right corner of the Pages section.

Add new page

Step 4: Add Content

  • A new window will appear with fields for the content of your page.
  • Add a Title for your page. This could be anything like ‘About Us,’ ‘Contact Us,’ or ‘Our Story.’
  • Use the Content area to add the body of your page. You’ll usually have the option to format text, add links, and even add images and videos.
  • If your theme supports it, you may also be able to select a specific template for this page from the Template dropdown menu on the right-hand side.

Step 5: Add SEO Information (Optional)

  • Scroll down to find the ‘Search engine listing preview’ section.
  • Click on ‘Edit website SEO’ to customize how your page will appear in search engine results.
  • Fill in the Page title and Meta description.

Step 6: Save or Publish Your Page

  • After you’re done creating your page, you can either save it as a draft or make it visible immediately.
  • To save as a draft, click the ‘Save’ button and then select ‘Hidden’ from the Visibility dropdown menu.
  • To publish immediately, click the ‘Save’ button and ensure ‘Visible’ is selected in the Visibility dropdown menu.

Step 7: Add to Navigation (Optional)

  • If you want this page to appear in your website’s navigation, go to ‘Online Store > Navigation’.
  • Choose where you’d like the page to appear (e.g., Main Menu, Footer), then click ‘Add menu item’, and select the page you’ve just created.

And there you have it! You’ve successfully created a new page on your Shopify online store. You can repeat these steps to create additional pages.