Enhancing Tracking with Digioh’s FB Pixel Event App: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on using the FB Pixel Event app in Digioh’s Custom JavaScript Templates section. This app allows you to seamlessly integrate Facebook Pixel Events into your website, enabling advanced tracking capabilities. By following these step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to install the app, configure the Pixel ID and event names, and send events to Facebook for enhanced tracking.

Before proceeding with the installation and configuration, please ensure that you have the following:

  1. Access to your Digioh account: Make sure you have login credentials to access your Digioh account.
  2. A Facebook Ads account: Create a Facebook Ads account if you don’t already have one.
  3. The Pixel ID: Obtain your Facebook Pixel ID from your Facebook Ads account.

Step 1: Installing the FB Pixel Event App

  1. Log into your Digioh account.
  2. Navigate to the Custom JavaScript Templates section.
  3. Locate the “FB Pixel Event” app within the Digioh App Store or Marketplace.
  4. Click on the “Install” button to initiate the installation process.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

select the facebook pixel event app from the custom javascript app install screen

Step 2: Configuring the FB Pixel Event App

  1. After installing the app, you’ll see a page asking for Pixel ID and Event name.
  2. In the provided field, enter your Facebook Pixel ID obtained in the prerequisites section.
  3. Specify the event name relevant to the action or interaction you want to track.
  4. Save the configuration settings.

Facebook pixel event configuration page

Step 3: Sending Events to Facebook

  1. Navigate to the Custom JavaScript section and open the template you want to integrate with FB Pixel Events.
  2. Locate the section of code related to the event you configured in Step 2.
  3. Ensure that the code snippet provided by the FB Pixel Event app is present in the template.
  4. Save the changes to the template.

configuring the facebook pixel event app on the Digioh custom javascript screen

Step 4: Testing and Verifying the Integration

  1. Visit the relevant page on your website where the Digioh widget is deployed.
  2. Perform the action or interaction that triggers the event you set up.
  3. Access the Events Manager within your Facebook Ads account.
  4. Verify that the event is being tracked by checking for activity related to the event name you specified.
  5. If the event appears in the Events Manager, the integration is successful.

Alternatively, the Meta Pixel Helper Chrome extension can help you verify the events that are firing.

You have successfully installed and configured the FB Pixel Event app in Digioh’s Custom JavaScript Templates section. By sending events to Facebook, you can effectively track specific actions or interactions on your website, enabling enhanced tracking and SEO optimization. Remember to test the integration and consult Digioh’s support documentation or contact our support team for further assistance if needed.