Digioh JavaScript Performance Overview

The Digioh JavaScript is optimized for best performance.

Code Minification

The Digioh JavaScript file is minified “on demand” by our CDN (Cloudflare) automatically, but only after it has been cached at the edge. If, for example, you do a Publish in Digioh, then immediately go to your site, you may see the un-minified version of Digioh code. The first “hit” causes the CDN to minify the source. However, since you downloaded the un-minified version, that may now be cached by your browser. You may need to reload the page again in an incognito window, or do a hard refresh in the browser (typically shift + F5). Please note that it may sometimes take several seconds for the file to become minified at the edge. This is only an issue when you Publish in Digioh. Once published, after the first time any user loads the file, the edge will create a minified cached copy to serve to all subsequent users until your next publish.

Browser Caching

We control browser caching based on the publish cycle from within Digioh. Specifically, it is the “boostrapper” (e.g. the Low Impact Tag) that does this. This is a very small amount of JS, and we set the browser cache refresh frequency very high so that the boostrapper can see your Publishes quickly and download the newly published account settings. These will then be cached, effectively until the next publish. In practice, this means that +99% of Digioh code is cached. The boostrapper decides which version of your Digioh account to retrieve.


All Digioh source is gzip compressed for transit.

User Experience Impact

Minification, caching, and compression applies to all Digioh code. However, the practical impact of running Digioh JS on your site also depends on which version of the Digioh JS you use. There are tradeoffs between activation time and network load. More details here: Installing Digioh: choosing the right JS Snippet.