Below is an example payload sent from a Digioh Box to an Digioh Pipeline. These fields can be used for mapping, or conditions within your pipeline. To reference a field, use dot (.) notation. like form.custom_4.
{ "form": { "name": "Jane Smith", "first_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Smith", "email": "", "phone": "5555551234", "opt_in" : "true", "custom_1": "custom value", "custom_2": "custom value 2", "main_name": "Jane Smith", "main_first_name": "Jane", "main_last_name": "Smith", "main_email": "", "main_custom_2": "custom value 2" }, "analytics": { "current_page_url": "", "referring_website_url": "", "landing_page":", "landing_page_ip": "", "date_of_visit": "2024-01-28T20:04:08.338Z", "web_source": "Direct Traffic", "past_visits": 4, "page_visits": 30, "page_visits_session": 1, "pages_navigated": "", "search_engine": "google", "device": "Desktop/Laptop", "device_apple": "", "browser_type": "Firefox", "browser_version": 121, "operating_system": "Windows", "utm_campaign_source": "", "utm_campaign_medium": "", "utm_campaign_term": "", "utm_campaign_content": "", "utm_campaign_name": "", "total_time_seconds": 10, "active_time_seconds": 2, "idle_time_seconds": 8, "continent": "NA", "continent_name": "North America", "country": "US", "country_name": "United States", "region_name": "", "state": "", "city": "", "ip_address": "", "zipcode": "", "latitude": 37.151, "longitude": -97.122, "metro_code": "", "time_zone": "America/Chicago", "area_code": "", "DeviceAtlas": { "css.transitions": true, "browserVersion": "121.0", "osName": "Windows 10", "osWindowsRt": false, "css.transforms": true, "osBada": false, "https": true, "osAndroid": false, "html.inlinesvg": true, "flashCapable": false, "js.modifyCss": true, "vCardDownload": false, "js.supportConsoleLog": true, "html.svg": true, "osWebOs": false, "isMobilePhone": false, "cookieSupport": true, "js.json": true, "markup.xhtmlMp11": true, "isFeedReader": false, "js.sessionStorage": true, "isDownloader": false, "css.columns": true, "js.supportEvents": true, "js.indexedDB": true, "css.animations": true, "isRobot": false, "isEReader": false, "isChecker": false, "touchScreen": false, "osSymbian": false, "js.webSockets": true, "isTablet": false, "browserName": "Firefox", "markup.xhtmlMp10": true, "osiOs": false, "osRim": false, "browserRenderingEngine": "Gecko", "primaryHardwareType": "Desktop", "memoryLimitEmbeddedMedia": 0, "osVersion": "NT 10.0", "image.Png": true, "js.webGl": true, "js.supportEventListener": true, "primarySoftwareType": "Browser", "image.Jpg": true, "osWindowsPhone": false, "js.deviceMotion": true, "js.geoLocation": true, "isSpam": false, "memoryLimitMarkup": 0, "js.xhr": true, "js.querySelector": true, "isFilter": false, "js.localStorage": true, "js.supportBasicJavaScript": true, "js.modifyDom": true, "isSetTopBox": false, "markup.xhtmlBasic10": true, "osWindowsMobile": false, "image.Gif89a": true, "mobileDevice": false, "html.canvas": true, "js.webSqlDatabase": false, "js.webWorkers": true, "memoryLimitDownload": 0, "isGamesConsole": false, "isTV": false, "isBrowser": true, "image.Gif87": true, "isMediaPlayer": false }, "geo_source": "azure-maxmind", "device_source": "unspecified", "PagesNavigated": [ "", ], "PastVisitsText": "10/9/2023 5:31 PM, 1/3/2024 5:30 PM, 1/23/2024 8:53 AM, 1/25/2024 3:42 PM", "is_preview": false }, "attributes": { "user_id": "44126", "user_guid": "1f25c9f2-6516-xxxx-b6ab-d3f7b27bd7b0", "box_id": "257382", "box_guid": "d34d75a9-e601-47bb-xxxx-c20c34080756", "box_name": "Contact Form", "variation_id": "", "variation_name": "", "variation_guid": "", "client_id": "0fe08972-8306-400a-xxxx-bc0557de1cd5-1690574648157", "submission_id": "df298e75-62b2-xxxx-a72e-beeef10633af-1706218945578", "ab_test_id": "", "integration_id": 11, "pipeline_id": 12, "date_created": "2024-01-28T21:42:26.2345399Z" } }
Below is an example of how to map these fields:
To map analytics data the path starts with “analytics”. See example below:
You can map static values by selecting “Value” from the dropdown on the left. See the example below: