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  4. How To Set Up A Real Time Notification Integration

How To Set Up A Real Time Notification Integration

If you want to send notifications to a member of your team each time a specific widget is submitted, follow these instructions.

Head to the Integration page and create a new integration

Give your integration a name, and select Real Time Email Notification from the Integration dropdown

Click Create Integration. On the next page, enter a name and email address for the person who should receive the notification emails

Save the integration, and head back tot he Boxes page to add it to a widget using the add or edit link in the Integration column

An email will go out each time a user submits the widget you’ve added the integration to. The email will contain all the fields set up on the widget, as well as the analytic date we collect on each submission including GEO-IP info, referring URL, and Submit URL.

If you have any questions about setting this integration up send us an email and we’ll be glad to help.


Updated on February 13, 2025
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