Branching Logic in Digioh

Branching can get complex quickly, it is recommended to have no more than 2-3 branching actions per quiz. Most quizzes don’t have any branching.

Branching Logic in Digioh

Based on specific answers to questions, you can change your quiz flow to show a quiz page that wouldn’t be shown next in the default Quiz Flow.


Branching can get complex quickly, it is recommended to have no more than 2-3 branching actions per quiz. Most quizzes don’t have any branching.

There are two ways of setting up quiz branching in Digioh: 

  1. Button-level: this is recommended when you have a clear linear path for single select answers. This could be questions with just a few options, where only 1-2 of them will differ from the general path.
  2. Page-level: this is used for multi-select pages where there needs to be a “Next/Continue” button and the branching can take them into different directions. This is often used for more complicated branching where pages need to be skipped further through the quiz if the path isn’t linear. 

Setting up button-level branching: 

This type of branching only works for directing users to a different page of the quiz when they click on the specific button. For setting up branching based on the response to a previous page, you’ll need to use page-level branching. 

To configure your quiz branching on a button level, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the box editor and navigate to the page where you’ll add the branching. 
  2. Click on the button you want to have the branch to another page (this will open the button tab on the editor).
  3. In the “Button Action When Clicked” dropdown below “Button Text”, select the page you want users to be taken to when clicked. For example, when clicking “dress” I want users to be taken to EP2:

  1. Follow the same steps for each of the buttons on that page. You can have multiple buttons go to the same page (how the normal quiz flow would work) and only 1-2 take a different path.

Once you are done setting up your branching, you can see the whole journey clicking Preview > Flow Diagram in the quiz editor:

It will show something like this:

Examples of button-level branching: 

  1. You can customize the experience for new vs returning customers. When they select returning, take them to an extra question with “What brought you back today?” before going back to the default next question. 
  2. You may have cases where not all questions are applicable to all categories, for example, in a silk accessories quiz, you may have scarfs that work for casual and formal occasions, but ties that only work for formal. When customers select “Tie” you can skip them over the occasion question and go straight to the next one in the quiz. 

Setting up page-level branching: 

This type of branching can be configured on a page-by-page basis, and multiple branch actions can be configured per page. To configure your quiz branching on a page-level, follow these steps:

  1. From the Layout tab on your selected page, scroll down to “Page Branches”
  2. To begin adding branch logic, click “Add Branch”.
  3. You’ll have two options: jump to the page selected below vs skip this page. Jump and Skip achieve the same goal, however there’s one key difference:
    1. Jump: This condition is evaluated as you leave a page. This means it should be configured on the page that you want to show directly before the page you’re jumping to.
    2. Skip: This is evaluated before the current page is shown. This means it should be configured on the page you potentially want to Skip over.
  4. In “If the answers to the” dropdown, select the page in your quiz you are referencing.
  5. In “contains”, you have one of the following options: 
    1. All of These: meaning all selected answers should be included (the user could have also selected others)
    2. Exactly These and Nothing else: exactly all the answers you chose should be selected by the other. 
    3. One or More of These: At least one of the answers you select should be included. 
    4. None of These: None of the indicated answers were selected.
  6. In “Choose Answers” you’ll select from the dropdown the answer(s) that will need to be matched with the condition set in step 5 for the branching to take effect.
  7. Finally, set the page the user should go to next.  If you selected “jump”, it’ll be the page they jump into, and if you selected “skip” it’ll be the page they are taken to instead of the current one.
  8. Repeat these steps for different branches as needed, by clicking “Add Branch” below your newly created branch

Examples of page-level branching: 

  1. In a question with a country dropdown, you may want to ask further questions to customers who select the US. In this case, you can have a jump branching on the page level where if their selected response is the US take them to a “Choose your state” page. 
  2. In a phone cases quiz, you may need to ask further details about the brand/model if the customer’s device is not iPhone. To do this, set a skip branching in the further details page if the answer to the phone brand is iPhone. 
Updated on February 13, 2025
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