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  4. Product Recommendation Quiz Analytics Data Model (Advanced)

Product Recommendation Quiz Analytics Data Model (Advanced)

This document is for users already familiar with Digioh’s Google Analytics integration, who need to perform custom reporting within Google Analytics itself, or who cannot use the Digioh GA Tracking App.

By default, Digioh will stream Quiz engagement data via an installed Tracking App as real time events. Analytics destinations supported by Tracking Apps include GA3, GA4, Google Tag Manager, and Amplitude. In general, Digioh can support any analytics platform that allows named events with arbitrary key/value properties. Without a Tracking App installed, no detailed quiz data will be tracked, other than what we send to your email or CRM platform.

When tracking to Google Analytics 4, the same tracking data is used to power engagement reports for Digioh HQ Analytics > Quiz analytics and Analytics > Custom. If you want analyze raw data for your own purposes, e.g. quiz attribution for purchases, here is the data model.

Named Events with Properties

Event digioh_quiz_conversion with properties:

  • digioh_quiz_conversion_action : “start” or “result”, indicating whether the quiz is first showing or has been completed
  • digioh_collected_email : true if an email address was collected, false otherwise
  • digioh_collected_phone : true if a phone number was collected, false otherwise
  • digioh_quiz_secs_to_complete : present only for “result” conversion_action, the number of seconds to complete the quiz

Conversion events are “bookends” for quiz interactions. The % of events with conversion_action result / start is the quiz completion rate.

Event digioh_quiz_funnel with properties:

  • digioh_quiz_question : text of the question for this page

Funnel events give you an aggregate view into quiz “drop off”, how far users get through the quiz.

Event digioh_quiz_answer with properties:

  • digioh_quiz_question : text of the question for this page
  • digioh_quiz_answer : the data value for the answer, same as sent to your CRM or email platform

Answer events show the breakdown of specific answers given to each question.

Event digioh_quiz_result with properties:

  • digioh_quiz_result_1 : name of the first product result
  • digioh_quiz_result_2 : name of the second product result
  • … Digioh will add properties for as many results as are calculated/shown

Each quiz completion will generate one result event, which records the fact that Digioh generated a recommendation and have properties for each recommended product.

Properties Common to All PRQ Events

  • digioh_box_page : name of the box page
  • digioh_box_name : Box name as shown in Digioh Box List
  • digioh_box_id : ID of the Box as shown in Digioh Box List
  • digioh_box_type : box form factor, e.g. “inline”, “lightbox”
  • digioh_url_path : path of current webpage where the quiz is displaying, e.g. /quiz/
  • digioh_hq_id : your Digioh account ID

Google Tag Manager

The GTM data model is conceptually similar to Google Analytics, with differences to account for GTMs Event + Var model vs GAs Event with Category, Action, and Label. Digioh will inject GTM Events into the DataLayer, after setting GTM Variables for event context.

Digioh will set a “global” Variable DigiohQuizBoxID that is the 5 digit box ID. Use this to identify the specific quiz if you have more than one.

Custom Event Trigger Event Names:

  • DigiohQuizStart – quiz impression
  • DigiohQuizComplete – quiz completion
  • DigiohQuizPage + Variable DigiohQuizPageVal = the name of the page, typically the question
  • DigiohQuizAnswer + Variable DigiohQuizAnswerVal = the form submit answer
  • DigiohQuizResult + Variables DigiohQuizResultNum, DigiohQuizResultVal = the recommended result

While all the same data is available in GA and GTM, typically in GTM you would focus on the DigiohQuizResult event, and the DigiohQuizResultVal Variable. These are the products that were ultimately recommended to the user, and so useful for retargeting purposes. You may also want to use DigiohQuizAnswer and DigiohQuizAnswerVal to segment your users based on preferences. Note that like GA, if there are multiple answers or results, these will trigger multiple events with different associated Variable values.

Running into an issue or have a question? Reach out to our support team via support@digioh.com and we’ll be happy to help!

Updated on February 13, 2025
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