How do I capture emails on exit of my shopping cart?

You can decrease cart abandonment by showing a simple exit-intent lightbox to visitors about to exit your checkout page.

Follow these steps to set this up.

  1. Go to the “Conditions” section of the Design Editor.
  2. Set up the rules as follows:
  3. The “Exit Intent” rule is set to “Any of these events occur” to cover all four types of exit attempts (top, bottom, left, and right of window).
  4. “Max displays per session” is set to equal 1, to prevent the pop-up from showing again to visitors browsing your site in multiple tabs.
  5. “Current Page URL” is set to the first page of your checkout process (in this example, using “contains”  “yourwebsitecheckoutpage”).
  6. To prevent showing the pop-up to visitors who have already checked out, set your”Pages Navigated URL” to NOT include your thank you page (in this example, using “does NOT contain” “yourthankyoupage” ).
  7. Follow up by email.