Sometimes due to user interaction, the state of your page changes in a way that would cause another Digioh box to display. However, conditions are only evaluated once at the time of page load. If you want to re-evaluate conditions and potentially trigger Boxes, you can call these functions:
From Digioh Parent or Box JS:
api.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsLoad() api.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsClick() api.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsHover() api.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsScroll() api.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsExit() api.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsTime()
From your own site JS:
DIGIOH_API.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsLoad() DIGIOH_API.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsClick() DIGIOH_API.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsHover() DIGIOH_API.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsScroll() DIGIOH_API.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsExit() DIGIOH_API.LIGHTBOX.checkConditionsTime()
You can run any or all of the above functions to re-check the rules and trigger eligible boxes. “checkConditionsLoad” is any box not containing any “click, hover, scroll, exit, or time” rules.