You may notice that if you are using TapCart to create your mobile app, if a quiz page is too big you won’t be able to scroll.
Also, when clicking on a product from the result page, it will open an external webview instead of the actual product in the internal view of your app.
You can install app #596 – Scroll and Link Manager for TapCart.
Make sure to add is_tapcart as a metadata key on your box with value true.
Once configured, scroll will be re added to your tap cart app.
Also, on the result pages, you can add metadata tapcart_internal with value true, to send this url to TapCart to handle.
On TapCart JS, you’ll receive a message from the quiz, with the url. You can process it to redirect to the actual internal page using TapCart SDK.
If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us at!