How to Validate Email with Never Bounce in Digioh Digioh App Marketplace When a user submits an email with a form submission, you may want to validate this email...
Connecting Digioh to Google Analytics 4 Google Analytics Integration Quick Links. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to connect Google Analytics 4 (GA4) with Digioh,...
How to add a new task to a pipeline While working with Digioh pipelines to integrate with Iterable, you may eventually find yourself needing to add a new task....
Digioh Revenue and Campaign Analytics Google Analytics Integration Quick Links. Overview Revenue and Campaign Analytics is only available after you have connected Digioh to your...
Assign coupons to users going through an Iterable Journey With Digioh you can call a Digioh Connect Pipeline from an Iterable Journey that will assign unique coupons from a...
How to add a drop shadow to your popup To add a drop shadow to your popup, you can use box-shadow CSS on the Widget level in the Extra...
How to restrict calendar pickers to only allow future / past dates When creating Digioh forms that include a date picker, you may want to limit users to only be able to...
How to get the URL for a Digioh-hosted CSV Sometimes when using Digioh, you may end up needing to use a .csv file that is uploaded to and hosted...
How to Add New Mappings to your Klaviyo Pipeline As you continue building out boxes and finding ways to interact with your users, you may want to collect additional...
Setting Up ADA Box Controls for Screen Readers in Digioh Setting Up ADA Box Controls for Screen Readers (EXTENDED) in Digioh Overview The ADA Box Controls for Screen Readers (EXTENDED)...
How to create a Marketo pipeline Marketo is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-based marketing automation software owned by Adobe and built to help organizations automate and measure marketing engagement, tasks, and...
Modal overlays for showing terms and other in-box interactions You may not have enough space in your Box to show full T&Cs, and redirecting to another page on your...
How to Pass Iterable Events to SalesForce Use case: If you want to pass iterable user events (Like Email Activity ie Email Click. Open and Send) to...
Customizing Digioh Tracking to GA4 Google Analytics Integration Quick Links. Configuring the GA4 App Digioh tracks behavioral data to your GA4 Property via the app:...
Creating a Score-Based “Multiple Choice” Quiz Digioh provides native support for building quiz Boxes based on configuring either: Answer Weights: each user input answer adds a...