var urlStart = location.protocol + '//'; var userGuid = ""; //the Long Alphanumeric ID //you can find this under your account section var integrationId = ""; //the Short Integer ID and this can be found in the integrations page after you create your integration with iterable var platform = "p"; var responseFormat = "jsonp"; var userListIds = []; var lists_selected = []; var lists_unselected = []; var message_types_selected = []; var message_types_unselected = []; var message_types_possible = []; var message_channelids_unselected = []; var user = null; var isNewEmail = false; //with this function we Populate the integration data on page load for example if you subscribed to a certain message tybeID we check the checkboxes that represnts that message tybeID var PopulateIterableUserDataOnPageLoad = function() { if (user && user.dataFields) { //MessageTypes //you repeat this line as many as you want make sure you replace the the the message type Id and it field id witht the box filedid if (!user.dataFields.unsubscribedMessageTypeIds || !user.dataFields.unsubscribedMessageTypeIds.contains(the message type Id )) document.getElementById('field id').checked = true; if (user.dataFields.emailListIds) {lists_selected = user.dataFields.emailListIds;} if (user.dataFields.subscribedMessageTypeIds) {message_types_selected = user.dataFields.subscribedMessageTypeIds;} if (user.dataFields.unsubscribedChannelIds) {message_channelids_unselected = user.dataFields.unsubscribedChannelIds;} if (user.dataFields.unsubscribedMessageTypeIds) {message_types_unselected = user.dataFields.unsubscribedMessageTypeIds;} } }; var GetIterableUserByEmail = function() { var email = getUrlParam('email'); if (!email) { return; } else { email = decodeURIComponent(email).toLowerCase(); } var finalUrl = urlStart + '/it9nrcf8em5qe7t85c9/v1/iterable/GetUserByEmail?user_guid=' + userGuid + '&integration_id=' + integrationId + '&platform=' + platform + '&format=' + responseFormat + '&email=' + email; $.ajax({ dataType: 'jsonp', url: finalUrl, success: function(data) { if (data && typeof data === 'object' && data !== null && data.hasOwnProperty('success') && data.success) { if (data.hasOwnProperty('payload') && data.payload.hasOwnProperty('user') && data.payload.user.hasOwnProperty('email')) { console.log('GetUserByEmail: Found Iterable User ==>'); console.log(data); user = data.payload.user; PopulateIterableUserDataOnPageLoad(); } else { isNewEmail = true; console.log('GetUserByEmail: Invalid Iterable User Payload ==>'); console.log(data.payload); } } else { console.log('GetUserByEmail: JSONP ==> failure'); console.log(data); } }, error: function(htmltext, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log('GetUserByEmail: JSONP ==> error'); console.log(textStatus); } }); }; var UpdateUserSubscriptions = function() { var email = getUrlParam('email'); if (!email) { return; } //that block of code detects the user changes and chage the integration accordingly make suer you replce the field Id and it's message tybe id //you can also repeat this block of code for differant boxes if (!document.getElementById('field Id').checked) { if (!message_types_unselected.contains(message tybe id)) { message_types_selected.splice(message_types_selected.indexOf(message tybe id), 1); message_types_unselected.push(message tybe id); } } else { if (!message_types_selected.contains(message tybe id)) { message_types_selected.push(message tybe id); message_types_unselected.splice(message_types_unselected.indexOf(message tybe id), 1); } } var subscription_json = { "email": email, "unsubscribedMessageTypeIds": message_types_unselected, "unsubscribedChannelIds": message_channelids_unselected, "emailListIds": lists_selected, "subscribedMessageTypeIds": message_types_selected }; console.log('subscription_json ==>'); console.log(subscription_json); var subscription_json_lz_encoded = LZString.compressToBase64(JSON.stringify(subscription_json)); var finalUrl = urlStart + '/it9nrcf8em5qe7t85c9/v1/iterable/UpdateUserSubscriptions?user_guid=' + userGuid + '&integration_id=' + integrationId + '&platform=' + platform + '&format=' + responseFormat + '&subscription_json_lz_encoded=' + subscription_json_lz_encoded; $.ajax({ dataType: 'jsonp', url: finalUrl, success: function(data) { if (data && typeof data === 'object' && data !== null && data.hasOwnProperty('success') && data.success) { //console.log('GetUserByEmail: JSONP ==> success message ==> ' + data.message); if (data.hasOwnProperty('payload')) { console.log('UpdateUserSubscriptions: Found Iterable Payload ==>'); console.log(data.payload); //SetThankYouPageDynamicValues(); processSubmit("", "form1"); } else { alert('There was an error updating your subscription preferences. Please try again in a few minutes.'); console.log('UpdateUserSubscriptions: Invalid Iterable Result ==>'); console.log(data); } } else { console.log('UpdateUserSubscriptions: JSONP ==> failure'); } }, error: function(htmltext, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log('UpdateUserSubscriptions: JSONP ==> error'); console.log(textStatus); } }); }; var AddOrUpdateIterableUser = function(dataFields) { var email = getUrlParam('email'); if (!email) { return; } var user_json = { "email": email, "dataFields": dataFields, }; showLoading(); user = user_json; var user_json_lz_encoded = LZString.compressToBase64(JSON.stringify(user_json)); var finalUrl = urlStart + '/it9nrcf8em5qe7t85c9/v1/iterable/AddOrUpdateUser?user_guid=' + userGuid + '&integration_id=' + integrationId + '&platform=' + platform + '&format=' + responseFormat + '&user_json_lz_encoded=' + user_json_lz_encoded; $.ajax({ dataType: 'jsonp', url: finalUrl, success: function(data) { if (data && typeof data === 'object' && data !== null && data.hasOwnProperty('success') && data.success) { //console.log('GetUserByEmail: JSONP ==> success message ==> ' + data.message); if (data.hasOwnProperty('payload')) { console.log('AddOrUpdateUser: Found Iterable Payload ==>'); console.log(data.payload); UpdateUserSubscriptions(); } else { alert('There was an error updating your profile. Please try again in a few minutes.'); console.log('AddOrUpdateUser: Invalid Iterable Result ==>'); console.log(data); } } else { console.log('AddOrUpdateUser: JSONP ==> failure'); } }, error: function(htmltext, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log('AddOrUpdateUser: JSONP ==> error'); console.log(textStatus); } }); }; //on submit button we check the email exists and we push data to iterable //fist you need to define this funciton on the page editor and connect it to the submit button window.onSaveButtonClick = function() { var email = getUrlParam('email'); if (!email) { alert('Email is required!'); return; } AddOrUpdateIterableUser({}); }; //here we unsub from all message tybe ID window.onUnsubscribeClick = function() { //we need to uncheck every checkbox we have usinf this code //we use every box id with comma seperated for example $("#field1,#field2,#field3,#field4,#field5,#field7").prop("checked", false); AddOrUpdateIterableUser({}); }; GetIterableUserByEmail();