Target Box Displays in a Specific Time Zone or hour of day

Digioh native box conditions support targeting of display based on the users local time zone. If you have campaigns that need to start and stop at a specific global, e.g. at midnight Eastern Time, then you’ll need to use a Digioh App.

From the profile menu, top right, go to Custom JS (Apps) and from the Available tab install the App “Timezone Date Targeting”.

Now you can target boxes to precise dates/hours in specific time zones (or UTC) using JavaScript Var conditions. The app creates these variables:

  • User Local Time: DIGIOH_API.yyyymmdd, .dd, .mm, .yyyy, .hh24, .dow
  • Eastern Time: DIGIOH_API.yyyymmddET, .ddET, .mmET, .yyyyET, .hh24ET, dowET
  • Central Time: DIGIOH_API.yyyymmddCT, .ddCT, .mmCT, .yyyyCT, .hh24CT, dowCT
  • Mountain Time: DIGIOH_API.yyyymmddMT, .ddMT, .mmMT, .yyyyMT, .hh2MT4, dowMT
  • Pacific Time: DIGIOH_API.yyyymmddPT, .ddPT, .mmPT, .yyyyPT, .hh24PT, dowPT
  • Universal Coordinated Time: DIGIOH_API.yyyymmddUTC, .ddUTC, .mmUTC, .yyyyUTC, .hh24UTC, dowUTC
  • Universal Coordinated Time with hour: DIGIOH_API.yyyymmddhh24UTC, .ddUTC, .mmUTC, .yyyyUTC, .hh24UTC, dowUTC

The dow variables are day of week: “sun”, “mon”, “tue”, etc. All others are are padded numeric strings, e.g. “01”, “04”, “29”.

IMPORTANT: Conditions are based on string compare which can lead to unexpected results, e.g. “2” > “10”. When entering a comparison value, make sure you always “pad” it to two digits, so instead of configuring DIGIOH_API.hh24 > 1, use DIGIOH_API.hh24 > 01, and for the 1st of February on East Coast use DIGIOH_API.ddET = 01

This example shows a box targeted to display from 11/25/22 – 11/30/22 inclusive:

Another example showing targeting date range with hour limitations


The hh24 Variables are to target the box on a specific hour of the day. So for example, if you want to a Box to display between 11am and 2pm in the users local time zone you would configure this targeting:

The fixed time zone options (ET, CT, MT, PT, UTC) are for global campaigns that have a definitive start and stop time, e.g. midnight Eastern Time is hh24ET = 00.

Running into an issue or have a question? Reach out to our support team via and we’ll be happy to help!